Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Healing Crisis

Today is a bright and beautiful sunny day. However, it appears that tears are what is in store for my emotional weather.


I've been on a yuck journey for going on almost two weeks now. One of my peers told me that I had put myself in a "healing crisis." A healing crisis is when you've had too much work done in a very short period of time. After each healing session, you should take time to let everything finish releasing, as well as time to integrate new energies.

A week and a half ago, my colleagues and I were at a psychic and metaphysical expo, I spent some time with a Shaman for healing and also had some readings. They were all fantastic and gave me everything I needed! However, when I came back home, I was sick. For two days I had a fever that did not register on the thermometer. All I could do was sleep. Then it appeared that my allergies were acting up, again no real physical signs just lots and lots of physical irritation and lethargy. I've been able to go out for just short periods of time to special events, but they tire me out very quickly.


Having been opened up more to other people's energies to help my intuitive work, it seems that I feel emotions more deeply than I used to. When you are an empath, it can be difficult to figure out whether the things you are feeling are yours or someone else's. It takes a lot of time and practice to learn what belongs to who, and how to protect yourself from someone else's energy. Yes, there are ways to read what is going on with someone else, without taking it upon yourself. I'm still working on it.

Going about your life at full-speed, it takes a lot of conscious effort to slow down and do the things necessary to protect yourself and keep yourself healthy. Being a "stubborn child," like myself, it can take several times to learn the lesson before really getting it.

So, I know that some of the yuck I have picked up along the way is not just mine.


So, during this healing crisis, life has still happened. There have been sad things popping up, adding to my discomfort. For a few days I have felt the discomfort building deep within my core. Tears are my natural release, but they were stubborn in coming.

This morning I was able to focus on letting my emotions release for a short while through tears. Then not long after I was over it, an email popped up in my inbox about the importance of tears. Ugh! So, I knew I was not done.

Shortly after this, one of my children came to my room asking for something from my bathroom. I got up off my bed and retrieved the item. Once I was done, I flopped back down onto the bed. And ... I hit the back of my head on the wooden headboard!!! Ok, flood of tears now. It felt like someone was shouting at me, "Cry Damnit!"  Ok! Ok! I've got the message.


Today will be a day of releasing. The release feels so much better than the discomfort and pain of having energy stuck so deep within. It is a necessary and welcomed time. Getting to the other side of the yuck is so much better.


  1. Please be sure to take time in between healing sessions, so you do not end up in a healing crisis. 
  2. Welcome the tears and emotional release! You will feel so much better after!

With Love & Light,