Monday, August 21, 2017

It's My Pleasure to Write!

"We all have things we need to hear, and there are those who need your very specific style to finally “get it.”

My mother began reading to me the day I was born (literally). I have always been able to get lost in a book.

I always carried a book with me wherever I went, just in case I got the chance to read. At one point, I had a winter coat that had torn inside the pocket. There was enough of an opening that I could shove a paperback into my pocket past the lining, i.e., into the inside of my coat, and voila! Book ready when I needed it! 😊

I love the feel of books! I love the smell of new books in a bookstore! Awe! Heaven!

But, when I put pen to paper or get my fingers typing on the keyboard, I feel AMAZING! The doors to my mind are open and free! Opening up to the creativity within and the knowledge stored from past experiences, allows me to set forth on a journey that is my own.

How do you explain why you do something when you just know in every fiber of your being that you are supposed to? That is writing for me. I know that I have things within me that need to be shared. I trust that the people who are supposed to read those words will see them. – Being the type of person that total strangers come up to tell their life stories and receive guidance or assurance, I know that I can have a broader reach to the world through writing. It is exciting to think about someone you have never met in person reading your words and those words making a difference for them!

Have you ever told a child to do something, then your spouse does, their grandparents do, their teachers do, and they fight you all the whole way? Then all of a sudden, a neighbor tells them the exact same thing and it’s the grandest idea on the planet!  We all have things we need to hear, and there are those who need your very specific style to finally “get it.”

I also learned at an early age the power of words. Some words were shared with me that were hurtful and some uplifting. Either way, I understood that the words could not be taken back. So, whenever I was trying to talk to someone who didn’t want to hear me, I said the words anyway. I knew that even though they didn’t want to hear me, they would still receive the words. There was such power in this!

In today’s age of technology, if I have something I want to learn, I will try Google for a quick answer. But I trust the experts who write the books. No, I’m not naïve enough to believe that anyone who writes a book has the right answer for me. But I enjoy finding the ones who do resonate for me.

I want to share my words with others and help inspire them, encourage them, heal them … with the rhythm and energy of my heart that comes through in my writing!


I like to journal to help me process things that have happened during the day, as well as my dreams. If things get really jumbled up in my brain, I like to do a “brain dump” where I let the words flow onto the paper/screen as they are coming into my head. There are no filters, and there is no checking for grammar, punctuation, or even if any of it makes sense! – Afterwards, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


What a grand idea! This is more than journaling or writing in a diary, yet not a full out book or news article. Just a little space to share your ideas, viewpoints, and such … and hopefully, someone will receive satisfaction, words of wisdom, a new perspective to think about, something to laugh about … etc. No rules here! Just you being you!

Writing Curriculum

I am a teacher at heart. I love coming up with creative ways to teach others. With as much as I love books, I also love packets to learn and work from. Putting together information in a short style like this gives me great joy.

Writing a Book

I’ve started writing books many times throughout the years. This is the year that I will be completing one for publishing. Writing and publishing a book has been on my bucket list since at least junior high. At some point, I’m sure I will write a novel. However, now is the time to write a self-help book.

Automatic Writing

Something cool that I bet you didn’t know! I can connect to angels, guides, loved ones and let them share their messages while I write or type them out. When I use automatic writing to receive messages, there is no time for my ego to step in and decide if what I heard was accurate or if the message needs to be reworded to be understood. The words are as the words came. That’s that! It is raw, pure and usually full of fantastic things the person receiving the message needed.

Oh yeah! Did I tell you that I like to talk? (to my children's horror at times) Writing is my way to talk as long as I want and you can listen to my words all at one time, or put it down and pick me up later. (Ha!) Until the next time! Mwah!

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