Welcome to my Blog!
Quick Intro
Let me first introduce myself. My name is Stephanie. I have lived in Iowa my entire life and although the extreme heat and extreme cold suck, I am comfortable being close to my family. I have five beautiful children of my own, one step-daughter and two gorgeous grandchildren! My husband is a fantastic rock of love and support, and truly my best friend. (sound cliche? absolutely not! it took a lot to get to where we are)... I could probably keep a blog all of its own about our large family and all the shenanigans that go along with it. That, however, is not the primary focus of Escape to Reality. I'm sure things will pop in here and there that will help you get to know my family, as well as me.
I am so blessed to have my own business as a Life Coach and Holistic Healer. I started working at the age of 13 (not including babysitting) and am totally over working as a direct employee of big corporate America for almost 30 years. I love the work I do helping others to heal and help themselves. My business Sunshine Discoveries was born from a dream and desire to help others get unstuck. I was stuck for a very long time and it took quite the fire under my butt to get me moving in the right direction. I want to be that fire-starter for my clients. I want to help them find their life purpose and soar with it, full of energy and Divine assistance for success.
How I Got to Escape to Reality...
Working in holistic healing or as a Lightworker, there tends to be a natural benefit to bounce things off peer practitioners and help each other out. Recently while talking to a colleague about my business, she asked me what things I like to do that bring me joy.
Reading, playing with children and writing were the words that looked up at me from the page. Together we were able to analyze these concepts and realized that each of these things listed on the paper help me to escape reality. (I did have to explain to her that playing with children IS an escape from reality for me because it is a time that brings me back to my own inner child. I am able to see things from child-like eyes and let my inner child play.)
I've been finding ways to escape reality my entire life! Growing up with alcoholism in the family, there were plenty of times that the sweet escape was imperative for survival. After a little discussion, my colleague and I came upon the realization that I am not necessarily escaping reality, but running to my reality. Oh boy! This sounds crazy, right!?! Bear with me here...
What Is Reality?
What is reality, but a perspective? Spirituality has always been a large part of my life. Even when there was a lot of outward judgement and my spiritual self was under attack, I prayed hard every step of the way. My reality has always been connected to "the other side." There is great comfort and empowerment in letting God/Source/Creator (enter your description here) take the reigns and assist in the pathways of life. The angels and spirit guides make me laugh all the time! I love their sense of humor, and how they come to me in ways that could never be passed off as coincidence.
You got it! My reality does include being psychic, working with energy, and exploring a tremendously incredible connection to Angels, Guides and spirits. Little did I know, even just 6 short years ago, that the things I experienced were the beginning of my spiritual gifts being awakened to a more advanced state. -- How absolutely magnificent is that!?!
During my first initial class for holistic healing, I was welcomed by a wonderfully supportive group of women. The more seasoned workers declared during class that it was ok to feel Batshit Crazy! Being validated by seasoned psychics that I was receiving accurate information during readings boosted my confidence in ways that can not even be described! I truly thought, "holy cow, here we go!"
Psychic Sisters!
Oh, how I love my baby sister! I am excited to share my journey with you and all the "crazy" stories of things I experience. But that's not all! You will get a sneak peek at the fascinating path my sister is on as well. Fully awakening at the same time is genuinely an intriguing reality.
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From Every-day Life to Possessions, Walk-Ins, Attachments, House Clearings, Mediumship, Past Lives, Family Curses, Children who See Spirits, etc...
With Love & Light,